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Week 6 OOD Review: Making Meaning

3 ideas of design

  1. Concept = the idea of design
  2. Conveyance = the delivery of your concept
  3. Theme = the coordination


What is the function of design?
Design can solve a problem and visual design solves the problems. Good design equal to an understanding of the good understanding of the audience.

Concept (noun) 
An abstract or generic idea generalized from a particular instance. Formatting the concept developing the idea, the purpose, and creating the central message.

So, concept is;

  • Direction/road map to finish it
  • Abstract
  • the glue that holds everything
  • wat defines decision ou make about how your site will look and feel.


Conveyance (verb) 
To transport, to communicate, to impact, to make known. Is the delivery of your concept and your choice of element & how your style that element.

“Concept is abstract but needs to get to your audience in some tangible way. The way is conveyance,” 

everything conveyance meanings according to rules and context. Different element conveys different massage too. Conveyance is relative to your audience so be careful. While many elements will convey the same message regardless of audience. Mastering conveyance is part instinct and part understanding visual language.


Theme (noun) 
A subject, of course, a unifying or dominant idea; a current idea; a motif.

The theme is a tone, the emotional appeal of your design. Design elements united in the message. They convey and all pointing to the central concepts.

In the end,

Concept is what you want to communicate
Conveyance is how to communicate it
Theme is how well you coordinate it 

Week 5 OOD Review: Composition

An orderly arrangement of the visual element using the principles of design ( See week 2 ). Refers to the organization, arrangement and combination od object within.

The element of composition:

  1. Focal point
  2. Overlapping
  3. Negative space
  4. Lines
  5. Balance


The Rule of Third
Helps to emphasize the element encourage to make creativity use of negative space

Golden Ration
Describes the perfectly symmetrical relationship between 2 proportions. Can illustrate using a golden rectangle ( a large rectangle consisting of a square with sides ).

A way of organizing stuff. Answer layout question. Provide a visual language.

Visual Hierarchy
Use size to enhance or reduce visibility. Color and contrast to direct viewers. Typography hierarchy starts 3 levels to organize your design. It can be fonts, spacing, or composition.

The much emphasize can break visual hierarchy. The basic foundation of a hierarchy.

Week 4 OOD Review: Working on Types (3)

How people can get an information? absolutely with language. So, information = language.

Document have a conceptual structure. When Author designer and reader is connected with “they must make a concept from both of them”.

In here, typography plays an essential part in the presentation process. Typography can change;

  • In attracts and holds the reader’s attentions
    – Can convey a certain mood or feeling
    – The audience need to understand
    – Make it interesting
    – An appropriate font will set the line.
  • It is reader friendly 
    – Clean and easy to read.
    – The Id your font too small or to cramp together the reader will ignore you.
    – The audience must easily to comprehend your presentation.
  • It establishes an information hierarchy
    – Using a different font or size make the audience focus on the important things.
    – Make the reader easier to read.
  • It helps to create harmony
    – the typography used throughout out a presentation unites it.
    -Repetition the same fonts create a continuity or simplicity.
  • It creates and build recognition 
    – The font can be the visual that your reader remembers the most.
    – Want to make audience recognize your brand anytime and anywhere.
    – Typography marks are the one that makes viewer identify.
    – Typography set the tone.



  1.  Use typography to guide readers
  2. Use differents heading
  3. to promote uniformity and help  your audience navigate
  4. Help audience identifies headings us book text.



  • Typography can play a key role in design
  • Good typography start with font family
  • Use text alignment to create a relationship between different kinds of info.
  • create a contrast
  • Use contrast to create hierarchy.

Week 4 OOD Review: Working on types (2)

In early writing, human communicate with imagery or use a symbol to communicate the idea.  The advantages are communicated universally with a system of symbol and simplified drawings

Phonecian alphabet is a symbol related to the sounds (consonants only)

And then human start to use the alphabet. The Early alphabet is Greek alphabets that expanded Phoenician alphabets. This early alphabet is the first system for reading left to right and top to bottom.

Next is Roman Alphabet, a modern alphabet that we use. Developed by Greek.

After alphabets, of course, we talking about books. The first books are handwriting and it becomes valuable treasures.


Typography is the style, arrangement, and appearance of text in the design.

The typeface is a set of typographical symbol and character. A typeface is a family of the font ( a complete character ).

Typography can provide elements of expression.,
– increases emotional impact of a message.
– allows the designer connect o the reader.

Letter and umber can arrange in a clever way. Some of the most innovative break all the rule.


Anatomy types 

Character = the individual letters, numbers, and punctuation.
Baseline = an imaginary line on which the characters seem to be standing.
Meanline = the imaginary line that runs a long the top of must lower case ( i, c, e m, n, etc)
X-height = the height of the body or main elements of the lower case letter form which falls between the meanline.
Ligature = Two or more letters combined into one character.  Some ligatures in typography represent specific sounds or words such as AE or ae. More attractive. Not all fonts contain all possible ligature.

So, the ligature is used to improve the appearance. Create a smoother transition or connection between character by connecting crossbar. Long S ligature is typically discretionary ligature found some fonts.

Serif = have stroke/attributes at the tips of the letter.
Sanserif = no stroke/attributes at the tips of the letter.
Script = design to look like hand writing.
Ornamental = decorative or eye-catching types.


Font style types are regular, bold, italic, shadow, and stroke.

Kerning is the space between two letter
Leading is vertical spacing between line of text
Ragging is typography refers to the irregular uneven a vertical margin of a block of type. Usually, it is the right margin that is ragged. Window is when final line of a paragraphs begins a new column. Arphans is when paragraphs end in single words.
Tracking is similar to kerning but it spaces between froup of letters.

Week 4 OOD Review : Working on Types

Images types:

  • TIFF
    Extremely flexible in color. The most common file type that use software. on size and uncompressed. tagged image file format.


  • JPEG
    Bad for line drawing because make them look bit mappy. Loses some of the image detail during the compression. Join photographic expert group. Standard image formatting. Compressed.

*Notes: Bit mappy : Jagged lines instead of straight chest.

  •  GIF
    Can be animation. Extremely limited color range. Lossless compression. Graphics interchange format.


  • PNG
    Full range of color better compression. Used almost exclusively for web images. An open format to replace GIF. For photography, PNG is not a good program because creating a large file but for images with some text or line art.  Portable network graphic.
  • RAW
    Contains a vast amount of data that is compressed. They have not been processed and therefore can not be edited or printed yet.


  • PSD
    Contain “Layers”. Files that are created and saved in adobe photoshop.


Lossy vs Lossless Compression

Lossy is an image which possibly describe as the image format that does not store a perfect copy. In another hand, Lossless is images which store an exact pixel by pixel representation of the images but require more space.

Vector vs Roaster ( Bitmap )

Vector is based mathematical calculations.Are perfect for creating graphics that require frequent resizing. the real beauty of vector lies in their ability to be a small as postage stamp. In another hand, Raster is made of a certain number of pixel. Have defined proportion on their resolution. Important to save raster.



Week 2 OOD Review : The Principles of Design

The principle of design is..,
The artistic guides for using various design elements

  • Balance

    the placement of element to produce a sense of equilibrium in design composition. Can be symmetrical ( is the delusion of space within a piece into equal parts and usually has a formal look ) or asymmetrical ( is unequal delusion of space within a piece, created by space 2 perspective and usually has an iinformal form) or radial ( created with the majority of the weight centered in the image and repeated element circle away from the center point ).
    Tips on creating balance!
    – colors have weight
    – size
    – lines


  • Contrast

    Is an abrupt, unexpected change in a visual element. Can create through value, color, texture, and shapes. Refers to the opposites & differences in the composition.
    > Color contrast –> by hue, saturation, and value
    > Complementary color –> seem to be a vibrate when they are together
    > Juxtaposing value ( light-dark ) –> sense depth
    > Varying the thickness or thinness of lines can make a contrast.
    > Creating curve shapes make it calm.


  • Emphasis

    Focal point or center ( will attract attention ). Well, planned emphasis will lead the eye quickly to the center of interest. A lacking emphasis will monotonous. Poor planned of emphasis make the eye confuses.
    The focal point is the most important element.
    Emphasis by contrast –> the focal point easily to spot in regular elements, a geometric shape will stand out. If the element is dark, a splash of the light will catch the eye.
    Emphasis on isolation –> it is the most of the elements in a work of art are grouped closely together. An object by it self-stand out as a focal point.
    Emphasis on placement –> an object placed in the center will be a focal point.


  •  Rhythm

    Flow lines, shapes, space & texture.  Refers to the regular repeating occurrence of elements in the scene. Shooting & our eyes beg to follow rhythmic.
    Requires some variability to avoid boringness.
    Achieved through repetition. There is a rhythm in a gradual change in size our color.
    So, Rhythm is a regular repetition to make a movement ( repeating colors, shapes, lines, or texture ). The repetition of elements invites the eyes to jump rapidly smoothly from one image to another. The movements usually become the focal point.
    Ways to create a movement
    fuzzy outlines ( high speeds )
    multiple images ( overlaping images )
    optical illusion ( repetition geometrical )


  • Unity / Harmony

    a correct balance of composition or color. It is the feeling of harmony between all parts of the artwork and create a sense of completeness ( How things are linked, similar, common, when of parts equals of whole )
    Ways to create unity:
    Placement –> Subject in a composition may appear to be united.
    Making things similar –> In color, shapes, etc.
    Adding variety –> Anything tends to add.


  • Proportion

    Refers to scale and in turn, both terms refer to size. The scale is synonymous for proportion. Proportion is the feeling of unity when all part going well.


  • Pattern

    is an element that occurs over & over again in a composition. The element can be repeated. In other ways, repetition the world with the pattern to make the artwork seem active.

Week 2 OOD Review : The Element of Design


The element of design is…,
Basic factors that make up the visual form, whether it be 2D shape or 3 D Shape

  • Line 

    A series of points/dots that connected!
    Types of lines: outlines, sketch, calligraphic, gesture, etc.
    Examples: vertical lines, diagonal lines, zigzag lines, curve lines, etc.


  • Shape

    A self-contained defined are of geometric or organic form. It is 2D and created by lines. The shape is an outline.Shapes types: geometric shapes, organic shapes, static shapes, dynamic shapes.


  • Form

    A 3D  form of shapes. Has a volume
    Example: cube, ball, prism, etc.


  • Space

    In 3D things, space take into consideration the concepts of bulk and weight
    Space in 2d drawings refers to the arrangement of the object in the picture plane (surface of our drawing). Because 2D drawings only have Height and Weight so they do not have a depth, they create a depth by using perspective.
    Space can create dimension

    Space catagoriest : positive >< negative, composition, focal points, picture plane,
    Perspective   : non linear, position, overlaping, size variation, colors.


  • Values

    Not a color. Black and White and all the grays in between.  One of the function adds more drama & impact the composition.
    White to make it a tint
    Black to make it a shade


  • Texture

    tackle aspect of form and it adds interest by embellishing the surface and there by giving character to finished form.
    Uses in design to catch, interrupt, & reflect.
    Texture character: In 3 D in real texture and In 2D simulated texture


  • Color

    A hue, coma, and value that comes from the light and represent emotion and allow the object to stand out from a background.
    Hue is the name
    Saturation is the intensity
    Temperature is the cool or warm color
    Color categories: Primary color ( R Y B ) and intermediate colors.

Assignment Week 14 : Moving Image final 2

Assignment Week 14 : Moving Images (Process)


Assignment Week 14 : Moving Images (Story Board)